
Friday, March 2, 2012

FHE Lesson

We took the bracelets that we made up to the Laurel's Retreat last night. The girls loved them. We may or may not have mis-spelled one of them to write "SHIEN" instead of "SHINE". Luckily, I was able to fix it on the spot. That's what we get for putting the bracelets together while watching TV. We were obviously distracted by the singers on The Voice.

Bob went back up to the retreat tonight to share another evening with the girls and their leaders. I stayed home to work on my Family Home Evening lesson for Sunday and Monday. On Sunday we have our kids and their spouse and spouse-to-be over for Fast Sunday dinner and FHE. Its our turn to give the lesson, so we're doing it on General Conference. Hopefully it will help us all get spiritually ready for the messages we will hear. I think Bob will give the first part of the lesson about King Benjamin and how the people turned their tents to face him for his speech.  Do we "turn our tents" to hear and focus on the words of our prophets during General Conference?
My section will be a little game about the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve. I have printed off photos of each of them which will have to be matched with their name in a game of Memory. After the match is made, whoever makes the match will read a few paragraphs about the matched apostle. Should be fun!

Hopefully we can all learn a little bit more about our amazing leaders. I also have a great little video that we can all watch from Jeffrey R. Holland entitled "General Conference Has Something For You". It is a wonderfully inspiring video that makes you wish conference was tomorrow! Should be good. I need to get my lesson all figured out tonight so that I don't have to worry about it.

On Monday we get together for our extended family (my mom, sisters, and their families) for FHE. We have FHE's as a big family once a month on the first Monday. It is our turn to give the lesson for that, as well, so we'll give the same lesson that we're giving on Sunday. Definitely a two-fer.

I am working on picking out a paint color for my bedroom. It is taking longer than I thought it might. I want it to be the perfect light teal or aqua. Hard to find just what I want. As soon as I figure it out, I can start painting. I need to get it painted before spring, otherwise it will have to wait until after all of my outside work is done.

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