
Friday, April 13, 2012

Gifts for babies and weddings

It rained all day yesterday, and the sun is out today. It is absolutely gorgeous outside! The plants are all bright green, having soaked up the rain, and now soaking up the warmth of the sun. I took advantage of the break in the rainstorms to take a few photos.

Bleeding Hearts in full bloom

Amazing yellow-pink tulips
It could not be more beautiful outside... maybe it could be a little warmer, though! I have to remind myself that it is still the middle of April, and could snow for another month or so. I definitely have a good case of spring fever!

Bob and I have been busy taking baby blankets around to the new babies in our ward. I had a little stack made so that we would always have an extra one or two for the newest babies, but we are all out now. I need to get busy and make some more!

Its fun to go and visit the new families -- especially nice to be able to make the visit with Bob! I think we are all caught up with the baby visits now.

We also made a gift for a couple who has a wedding reception tonight.

I had been making these gifts (for weddings of the kids in our ward) with vinyl lettering cut out from my Silhouette, but this time Bob cut the letters out of wood with his laser cutting machine at work. It turned out pretty nice. I like the dimension of the wood letters. The heart papers are copies of "The Family: A Proclamation to The World". We also will give them a church book along with the framed piece.

I have had one of those weeks where I literally felt like I was running from one thing to the next, and ending up late to more than one appointment. I hate being late. Oh well. Those appointments all had to do with wedding plans: cake tasting, florist, and the caterer. Luckily, Lindsay beat me to all of those appointments, so at least we were represented by someone!

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