
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What season is this, really?

We had a workday in the yard on Saturday. I thought that it made sense (since its now November) to get the gardens put to bed for the winter. I wanted to get everything cut back, cleaned up, mowed, edged, fertilized, pruned, pulled out, and thrown away. And then I came upon this...

And this...

There are plants out there that are totally confused as to what time of year it is. Everything is budding and looking like its spring. The mums and columbine and irises and daylilies all have new fresh growth growing up from the ground... again, just like its spring! As we were working in the yard, the day became warmer and warmer, and soon it was into the 70's. Really?

I had no trouble cutting back the dead growth, but I couldn't bring myself to do it to plants like the ones in those photos. So, we got 90% of the front yard completely done, and after this coming weekend's snow, I'm sure I'll be cutting back and pulling out the flowers in the above photo... but I think its supposed to be somewhere in the 30's. Hmph. Back to reality.

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