
Monday, February 11, 2013

Bulb shoots poking up through the snow!

We had a pretty good snow storm off and on over the weekend. I was feeling a little under the weather, so it was a perfect weekend to shuffle around in my sweats and slippers.... and that, I did!

But, after the snowy weekend, guess what I saw today -- poking out of the snow here and there around the yard....

(the ones I started from my Aunt Carol's Snowdrops)



Bulb shoots! Yay! I love to see those pushing up through the earth and snow. It reminds me that spring is definitely on the way.

And knowing that spring is on the way makes me thrilled! Wilson gets home from his two year mission in May. I can't wait! I have lots of projects and yard work to do before he gets home, but that will only serve to make that time go by even faster! Wahoo!

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