
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

by nest of posies

I love Valentine's Day! How much better can a holiday be than to be all about the people you love the most? And I love that you don't really have to go crazy decorating if you don't want to, but instead, you can just spend the month thinking about the people you love and writing out Valentine's cards and letters. I love it!

How grateful I am to be literally surrounded by people that I love with all my heart!

First and foremost, my sweetheart of 28 years! (and the one who happened to turn the big 5-0 yesterday!) I love that he has a birthday 4 days before mine and that we get to go through this milestone together. I asked him two nights ago just after midnight how it felt to be 50, and he said that he didn't feel much different than he did ten minutes before that, when he was 49. So, once again he has paved the way without any trepidation, and I'm not at all nervous to follow along!

My love, my best friend (truly... we do everything together!), and he's my night in shining armor (name the movie).

And oh, my sweet, sweet family. I get choked up just looking at this photo. I am so full-to-the-brim with love for each and every one of them! I was feeling under the weather this past weekend, and my sweet kids kept checking up on me all throughout the weekend and beyond, to make sure I was okay. Oh how I love them all with all my heart!  And don't even get me started about that amazing missionary on the left. He has been serving in the California Roseville Mission since May of 2011 (yes, that means he will be home this May, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't counting down the days!). He has worked so, so hard, gone through some really difficult experiences, loved every minute of it, and grown so much, it is almost miraculous. Can't wait to get my arms around that boy!

Gulp. I can hardly stand it! As I mentioned before, I've been under the weather, so I haven't dared to go near our little grand-baby for several days now. I'm just about back to normal and I can't wait to hold this sweet little boy. He is nothing less than perfect, and I can't describe how amazing it is to be his grandma.

And if all of that isn't enough, I was born into a wonderful family. I had an incredible mom, dad, and five sisters and an up-bringing that was sweet and almost magical to me. We continue to stay close to each other and have seen each other through some pretty tough things. I love these truly beautiful women! 

My dad passed away ten years ago. Oh how we miss him! He was funny, talented, a man of deep, deep devotion and convictions, a wonderful writer, could fix anything, loved projects, a super hard-worker, tender and kind, and loved his family. I always felt that he was the greatest man in the world, and I wanted so badly to have a husband like him and to have the same kind of life that he gave my mom. And guess what? I did! I did! I married a man who is also the greatest man in the world! What are the odds?! Who knew there were two men that shared the title "Greatest Man in the World?"

I am beyond grateful and have so much love for the people in my life this Valentine's Day and every other day in the year!


  1. Oh, I love your post! Thanks for your tender sharing of those you love, but especially the sweet loving description of Dad - he truly was a wonderful man and daddy to all of us!! Love you so much, Dayna!!

  2. Hi, I just discovered your blog and love the week by week storage plan. Would you please email the plan list and inventory sheets to me? My email is rosejac at hotmail dot com.

    1. Hopefully you received your email this morning.
      Let me know if you have any questions!

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