
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week-by-Week Food Storage Plan -- March Week 1: First-aid kit and supplies

This week's food storage item is the following:

March Week 1: First-aid kit, gauze, Q-tips, cotton balls, band-aids, Neosporin, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, etc.

I like to do this one in two parts.

First, I have a first aid kit in our bathroom, and this week is the perfect opportunity to update it and replenish it. I have a list taped to the top of the lid (the whole thing is kept in a fishing tackle box, which I love!) and I'll go through and check the contents of the kit with the list, and write anything I need to purchase on my shopping list. By the way, you can get a Plano fishing tackle box on Amazon for about $15.00, and they're perfect for first-aid kits!

First-aid kit in a fishing tackle box

Second, in addition to my first-aid kit, I like to keep some extra things on hand in my emergency supply. I keep Q-tips, cotton balls, extra band-aids, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, various sizes of gauze pads, medical face masks, and rubber gloves. I keep most of these items (except the larger things) in a medium-sized container with a lid. It sits on the shelves next to the other items in my emergency supply. This year, when I checked my items for rotating, I noticed that my Neosporin was close to expiring, so I have written that on my shopping list and will get that back on the shelves. Everything else is on the shelf from a year ago, so we're good to go!

First-aid needs will vary from family to family, so as you look at my list, you may want to add or remove items. Store what your family will or may need for the year, as well as some extras that would be beneficial during a long-term emergency.

Let me reiterate that this is a weekly food storage plan that doesn't have any particular order. I like it that way so that I'm working on different things all the time, and building up different areas of my emergency supply. You can jump in on this plan at any given week, and have that be the start of your Week-by-Week Food Storage Plan. You don't need to go back to January and start at the beginning!

If you would like the full info on the Week-By-Week Food Storage Plan, just click on the tab at the top of the page. It also has the information as to how you can get a copy of the weekly schedule as well as the complete inventory sheets.

If you would like a copy of my first-aid kit list, just make the request as a Comment below. Be sure to leave your email address!


  1. Hello, I would like a list of your first aid kit please? Thank you this is very useful!

  2. Please add me your list are great!

  3. Please send me your first aid list if you would. I would very much appreciate it. With a smile

  4. Lindsay, Mari and Robin... You all three should receive your list via email this morning. Hope you find it helpful!

  5. Hi there. Could you send me a copy of your first aid list? I realize this post is a couple years old. Thank you.

  6. Hi there. Could you send me a copy of your first aid list? I realize this post is a couple years old. Thank you.

    1. You should receive your lists in your inbox. I hope you find them helpful!
