
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Activity Days: Friendship Necklaces

We made a fun friendship necklace for Activity Days last time we met. We were working on the category "Serving Others", and the third item under that category. It says, "Make a list of the qualities you like in a person. choose one quality to develop in yourself. discuss how showing respect and kindness strengthens you, your family, and others."

We discussed qualities that they liked in other people (friends and family), and had them write them down on a piece of paper. Then, we talked about how it would be wonderful to have those same qualities in ourselves so that we might be that kind of friend or family member that others are drawn to. We had them circle one of the things on their paper that they could work on the coming week.

We also talked about how important it is to be a good friend to everyone, and specifically geared it to our own Activity Days group. Some of the girls go to different schools, and they're in different grades, so they may not be each other's "best friend". We talked about how you can be good friends with other people besides your "best friend".

Then, we handed out these  bags with little wooden charms that had their names written on them. They each took the bag with their charms in them, and decorated the little wooden charms using markers.

They turned out darling, and I wish I had taken a photo of their decorated charms. They were quite artistic and had some cute original ideas with flowers, dots, stripes, etc. So cute!

After they were done, they handed each of the other girls one of their charms so that each of the girls ended up with a charm from every girl in the group. We strung them on a ball chain necklace.

The charms in the above photo are obviously not decorated yet, but you get the idea...

Afterwards, we gave them each a bag of chocolate hearts to symbolize the love that they should ideally have for each other. It was a fun, easy activity, and the girls LOVED their necklaces!

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