
Saturday, April 20, 2013

My Remarkable Mother

With Mother's Day on the horizon, I've been thinking a lot about motherhood. I have many wonderful examples of motherhood in my life. Two of the very best are: my own sweet mother, and my daughter who became a mommy to our first grand baby just a few months ago. I can't explain what complete joy it brings to me to see my daughter being such an adoring, sweet mother to her baby. Brings me to tears just to think about it. I can't wait to watch my other daughter as she and her husband become foster parents. I have no doubts that she will be the most amazing foster mommy ever!

4 generations:
Me, my mom
Whitney and Wyatt

And can I just take a minute and tell you how amazing my mom is?  To begin with, she's 82 years old (or, as she likes to say, "I'm in my 83rd year"). Let me make a list of her awesomeness just to see if you agree:

-She has more energy and excitement for life than anyone I know
-She still works and keeps up her own yard, and it is quite large and full of beautiful flowers and plants. (And when I say she works, I really mean works!) She prunes back grape vines and bushes, plants new pretty things every year, and has a beautiful green thumb!
-She got an IPad last year and uses it all the time. She emails, takes and sends photos, reads blogs, "Googles"things when she wants to look them up, plays Sudoku, reads scriptures, and takes it everywhere with her!
-She loves projects and isn't afraid to tackle just about anything. She just refinished this little scruffed up cabinet she bought at an antique store.


After! So darling!

-She goes to Silver Sneakers workouts at the gym 2-3 times a week
-She tries new delicious recipes all the time and loves to entertain
-She has wonderful health, and it's important to her to keep it that way
-She was recently asked to team-teach the 7-year-old class in her church congregation, AND SHE ACCEPTED!!!! And, I might add, those little 7-year-olds love her!
-Since I brought up serving in our church, I have to add that she has served willingly and faithfully in every calling she has ever been asked to do, which would include being Relief Society president three times. No matter how big or small the assignment, she can always be counted on to do it!
-She is always up for an adventure or a shopping trip
-She loves to visit her "older" friends and family members as they are convalescing in hospitals or homes
-She was just asked to be the Treasurer for her city's women's service club (or Ladies' Guild, as we like to refer to it)
-She reads voraciously and always has one of the classics, a mystery, a biography, and a religious book all going at the same time
-She is an incredible Visiting Teacher and has always taken that opportunity very seriously. She considers it as important as any of the other callings she has had.
-She does all of her own finances, including staying on top of her investments by thumbing through Money Magazine
-She can (and does) fix her own sprinklers. Whaaaaat?!
-She is a strength to all who she comes in contact with -- family, friends, and sometimes even complete strangers. Oh, the stories I could tell of the times she meets someone in line at the store and leaves practically being their best friend. People are drawn to her.
-She is loving and wise and truly a beautiful matriarch of our family.
-Side by side with my father, she has raised 6 daughters, who have given her 33 grand children! She is a wonderful mom and grandma!
-She has been a widow for 10 years, and even though she misses my dad more than she could ever express, she has made a happy, fun, fulfilling life for herself.

Don't you agree? You couldn't ask for a better example of motherhood to her six daughters and 33 grandchildren. If I can be like her by the time I'm "in my 83rd year", I would feel like I've succeeded in life. Love you, Mom!

1 comment:

  1. So very true, Dayna! She is an incredible inspiration to me in every way! I'm so grateful for such a wonderful mom - we really are very blessed!!
