
Monday, May 13, 2013

Wilson's new room

This is a thing of beauty. Every space filled with a sticker. Tomorrow is the big day, and there is definitely an air of excitement around here!

I finished Wilson's room. At least I think its finished. I'll probably add a few things here and there, but I'm pretty sure he would consider it finished. I lightened it up so much -- it feels bright and larger. I hope he likes it, and I hope it's still masculine enough. 

This is the "before" picture of that same corner shown above. I was just getting it ready to paint, and realized I hadn't taken a "before" with his old furniture in it. It wasn't too impressive, lets just say.

Another before photo. It looks like a cave, actually.

Much brighter.

He gets home tomorrow. T.O.M.O.R.R.O.W. We are so excited around here. Its been two long (but wonderful and blessed) years, and we're ready to have him back in the proverbial nest.

The frames above his bed are framed maps from the areas he served in on his mission in the California Roseville Mission. And in the center is a framed piece of glass that is burlap backed and can be written on with dry-erase markers. Not that he'll write on it, but I sure will! :)

The great thing about the frames, is that I used some of the ones we had used for Lindsay's wedding reception.

Pink and cream weren't going to do for Wilson's room, so I grabbed some cans of spray paint and went to work. By the way, one of the best ways to keep your frames from sticking to the drop cloth while you paint is to put push pins on the underside of the frame. It gives the frame some "feet" and lets it dry really nicely.

And these are the finished frames in their new silver, gray and green colors.

I then just enlarged and copied the different areas he has served in, and put them into the frames and voila. A very cheap but fun reminder of his mission days. Plus, since I love the look of maps, it can stay up long after he leaves the house (ummmm... I can't go there right now).


  1. It looks great! (I was going to say "darling", but that doesn't sound masculine enough!)

  2. Welcome home to Wilson! Yay!!! What a great missionary!
    This is one of the many best days for a family!
    Love, Susan

  3. Ooh... Sticking pushpins in the back is a great tip! I will try that next time!
