
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Activity Days: Individual Worth & Talents

For Activity Days last week, we started with having each of the girls paint a wood cut-out letter of their first initial. We encouraged them to paint it however they wanted to, expressing the idea that since we're all different, we probably won't have any of the finished letters exactly the same. I loved what they came up with!

While the paint was drying on their letters, I had them come up (one at a time) and write as many things "about themselves" that they could on the dry-erase board.

After they were finished, we talked about the fact that we are all children of God, and inherent with that is the fact that we all have many gifts and abilities and interesting things about ourselves. And that we are all different. We couldn't have left the first list up and just erased the name so that each of the girls had the same list. Each and every one of them is different, and has beautiful things about themselves.

I loved the lists! After each one wrote their list, we took a picture of them next to their list, and then emailed it to their parents so that they each girl will have a copy of their own to remind them of their individual worth and their many-faceted talents and abilities. For their achievements, I used it as a "write-in" under Developing Talents.

It was a simple, fun day!

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