
Thursday, November 28, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving!

I've mentioned how I love this holiday. It doesn't get much better than a holiday devoted to gratitude, blessings, family, and yummy food. This week of Thanksgiving, my heart has been full to overflowing. I lay in bed at night and think of the lists and lists of ways I've been blessed throughout my life.

I'm grateful for...

-our Savior, Jesus Christ and a loving Heavenly Father. Because literally without Them, none of the rest of this list would be possible. They make our daily happiness possible and a reality. I will spend my entire life doing my best to give back to Them.
-my husband. He completely understands me (no small feat) and is supportive of my every whim, and new idea. We LOVE the time we are able to be together. Love. I've talked about Bob's amazing talents and abilities quite a bit here. Suffice it to say, he is the strongest man in the world, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. And he brings such laughter and joy to our home.
-my four kids and their spouses. I can't say enough about our kids. They are literally the best! And how can we be so lucky to love every one of our sweet sons and daughters-in-law (including the sweetie that will be joining our family in March)? We consider that quite a blessing!
-our grandson, and another babe coming in March. Wow. Talk about one of the most amazing things that we've ever experienced... our hearts opening up wide and loving that little guy more than words can describe.
-work. How grateful I am that my husband has built a business (with his own smarts and determination and an incredible amount of hard work) that continues to support our family.
-my parents and sisters. I had an sweet, idyllic childhood with five of the most incredible sisters. And the best part is, we have continued to be great friends and love to be together. And you've heard me talk about my parents. They simply are the best!
-the world. Every time I go outside and look east, I stop and look at those beautiful mountains and almost gasp. And the beauty doesn't stop there. Everywhere I go, there are beautiful things to look at, whether it is here, locally, or in our amazing country (which I love to see), or in other countries. We are surrounded by lovely things.
-my health. How I hope I never take this for granted. We have known many in our lives who live with life-long health issues and others who have succumbed to illness and disease. Each day, as I get ready to go down and climb on the treadmill, I think about how some of our friends would do anything to be healthy enough to even walk on a treadmill, let alone run. I am truly grateful for my health.
-home. We have lived in a few different homes, some much smaller than others. And in every single one of them, we have been happy and cozy. A home truly is wherever your family lives. I love the feeling of walking in our home and feeling warm and safe and content.
-technology. My family will think I've lost my mind when they read that, because I usually do not express that sentiment about technology. BUT, I have to admit that without it, we wouldn't have access to so much. It is an amazing way to stay connected to each other.
-life. Life itself is the greatest gift. Every single day. There are miracles all around us, and such lovely things to be a part of as families and as individuals. Oh, what a blessing life is.

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