
Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Goal Not Written is Only A Wish

Resolutions. They have been on my mind almost constantly since the beginning of this new year. I've thought about how resolutions aren't just a few hopes your write down on a piece of paper and then think only sparingly about. Resolutions are things that you RESOLVE to do. The definition of resolve is: "a firm determination to do something". And a firm determination in my eyes, is to do whatever I can to make that thing happen. So my resolutions need to be things that I actually am going to do something about. As I've been thinking about my resolutions, goals and hopes for the new year, I've seen a couple of things come past my inbox that are worth sharing.

From Beth (a dear friend who is busily serving alongside her husband in Orlando, Florida), after hearing a talk in sacrament meeting:

"I will share with you a couple of things that impressed me and made me think about my personal approach to the New Year! First, plan and prepare but be realistic.  Second, commitment -- decide then do!  Third, follow up, adjust and adjust again! Fourth, learn from the past!! and go on!!  He ended with the statement I began my letter with today: "A goal not written is only a wish". I loved his talk and wanted to be sure and share it with all of you as we approach the New Year this next week!  Keep these ideas in mind as you look forward to 2014!!"

And then, I came across this on Pinterest:

I love that. So simple, and so do-able. And regardless of your religion or beliefs, these are real resolutions that anyone can work on to become better and experience real, lasting happiness.

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