
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy May Day!

I have lots of fun memories associated with May Day. We would get up early in the morning and take bouquets of hand-picked, home-grown flowers to our friends. My mom did this for years and years to her friends... always with a See's chocolate treat tucked along with it. So naturally, her six daughters did the same to their friends. I still wonder what they thought when they opened their door to see a little bouquet of flowers at their doorstep. What a sweet tradition, that sadly, I haven't done in many years. I think that if I my mom and sis's were just around the corner, it would be fun to carry that on and leave a little something on their doorsteps bright and early in the morning. Or, if I was really on the ball, I would drive the 30-40 minutes to their homes and do it anyway. Ahhh well. Happy May Day!

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