
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Recipe: Chocolate Marshmallow Brownies

Its high-time to share my favorite brownie recipe ever. Hands down. And it's pretty easy to make, too, which is always a plus.

Marshmallow Brownies

1 c. butter, softened
2 c. sugar
1/3 c. cocoa
4 eggs
1-1/2 c. flour
1 t. salt
2 t. vanilla

1 (10 oz) pkg mini marshmallows

Soften the butter. I usually get the butter out an hour or so before I make the brownies. I chop the butter up in cubes, and let it sit in the mixing bowl until it's soft enough to use. After the butter is soft, add the sugar and cocoa, and mix until all blended in. While mixing, beat in the eggs, adding just one at a time. Add the flour, salt and vanilla.

Spread on a greased cookie sheet (10 X 15 is perfect!). Now, since this batter has a habit of growing up the edges as it cooks, I purposely spread it only til about 1" away from the edges. Then it has room to grow to the edge without making too big of a ridge there. Bake for 25 minutes at 350. Remove from oven.

While still hot, cover the entire top with a package of miniature marshmallows. Return to oven for 3 minutes, until soft and puffy. Cool.

One time, in a pinch, I had to use large marshmallows. I cut them all in half with a kitchen scissor, and laid them all side by side with the cut side down. It worked just fine, so if that's all you have, go ahead and do it that way.

This is what the marshmallow-covered brownies look like when they come out. While it's still screaming hot, I like to take the back of a spoon and push down the high spots and nudge the mallows away from the sides and get it all tidied up and ready for frosting.

Chocolate Frosting:

1/2 c. butter, softened
1/4 c. milk
1 t. vanilla
3 T. cocoa
3 cups powdered sugar

Mix all ingredients until smooth. Spread on top of bars.

This makes just enough frosting to cover the bars sparingly, which turns out to be the perfect amount. There is plenty of gooey, sweet goodness with all of the layers, and any more frosting might just be too much. (If there is such a thing)

Yum. Enjoy.
(Recipe adapted from Six Sisters Stuff)


  1. These were a staple at my grandma's house when I was growing up. Brings back so many memories to just see this recipe on your blog. I was always so sad if I took a bite and discovered she had added chopped walnuts to the batch...

    1. I agree. Walnuts in baked goods make me sad. :)
