
Friday, May 30, 2014

Spring Projects and Planting

I know I'm not the only one who thinks time seems to be racing by. How is it almost June already? I really can't fathom that.

Since the hot, summer weather (I know... it's not officially summer yet, but it sure feels like it around these parts) has hit, I thought it was high-time to get my canvas outdoor curtains hung again. I admit, I put it off for a week or two, thinking it would be a bigger project than it really was. But it took all of 15 minutes, if that. Last year, I took them down, leaving the rod and clips up in place. They sortof blend in with the wood, and aren't noticeable. 

As I was taking the curtains down, I marked them with a permanent marker as to which panel went where, and I also marked a tiny mark where each clip was attached. 

my code here is, west side of the house,
south curtain :)

marking where clips should
be attached

Then, I washed the panels and folded them and put them away for the winter.

This year, I pulled them out, and because I had sortof draped them instead of folding them, there weren't even any fold lines. I got out the ladder, and clipped those babies right back up into place, and it honestly didn't take more than 15 minutes. Sooooo easy!

I love when projects are fast, and go just as planned. We've had a few sprinkler issues this year that haven't been quite that way. We had a garage build in the backyard, and when the workers were putting the foundation and driveway in, they cut into sprinkler lines, not bothering to mark where those occurances took place. So, we have had a few issues there. Like yesterday, when I was checking to see if my grass seed was getting enough water from the sprinklers, I noticed bubbling coming up from the side of the driveway. That meant that there was a cut sprinkler line underneath the driveway. When Bob got home from his meetings that night, we went out there and he started digging under the driveway. Long story short, he stopped at about 30" under the driveway, and thought up a better plan and circumvented the cut sprinkler line. We are back in shape now, but crossing our fingers that we don't have any more surprises left over from our garage project.

There is one project that I never seem to get to. Every year, I think we need to fix the old birdhouse we made years ago. And every spring, it becomes inhabited by a new little family of finches. And when they move out, another family moves in. There is no time for sprucing up the place.

If you look closely, you can see the momma bird coming out of the bottom hole. She flies in and out all day long keeping those babies fed. Maybe this fall, after the finch families have moved on, I can get to fixing the birdhouse. It's in dire need of a new roof that keeps the rain out.

Another project I have been able to get moving along, is planting and filling in space after our paver patio project left a blank canvas (and I do mean blank). It's been fun to slowly fill up some of the areas. I still have much to do, but I don't mind ambling along a bit. It gives me time to think about what I want, and where I want it.

I LOVE a trip to the garden center. Last week, my mom and I drove down to a nursery in Springville. We had taken our pots there in March, and they fill the pots, and keep them in their nurseries to grow until we pick them up in May.

We always end up packing the car (with all the seats down, or removed) to the gills. And this year was no exception. My mom had to pack a few plants in around her feet on the way home. Fun, happy day!

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