
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Surprises in the October Garden

Our fall garden clean-up is in full-swing. Everything seems to have given it's all, and is ready to be put to bed for the winter (that strikes a familiar chord with me). Anyway, it does feel good to get things cut back and pulled out and ready for the blanket of snow that will surely come.

This has been an incredible fall. Every day seems like a special gift. Here we are in October, and we're still experiencing temperatures in the 70's. Perfect. And because of these warm days and cool nights, there are little surprises in my garden.

The lilac bush seems to think it is spring. I have some gorgeous blossoms blooming as we speak. What a thing to see!  It makes me think of the lovely people I know who are lilac blossoms in the midst of October... spreading beauty wherever they go. Doesn't it make you want to be someone's lilac blossom today? 

1 comment:

  1. From your post title, I was sure it was snakes again. :) Lilac's are much more welcome I am sure!
