
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Quiet Book Group

What do you do as a group craft when you have two daughters and two daughters-in-law who are pregnant all at the same time? Quiet book pages! We thought it would be fun for each of us to work on a few different quiet book pages so that we could share them with each other and at the end, we'd all have a fun quiet book for the little kiddos in the family to play with.

I made a quiet book when my own kids were little. We had a quiet book group way back then, with 10 people in it. So, we each made one quiet book page (10 times over), and then passed them out to each other. It was so much fun to have different pages in my book that were made by my friends in Huntington Beach. I just wish they had written their names somewhere on the page, because this many years later, I have no idea who made which page.

Fast forward to the present day. I still have that quiet book (although some of the pages have seen their day). I went through and kept the pages that were still in good shape, and added the ones from our new family quiet book group, and it is bursting with fun pages. My, there are four talented girls in my family! They worked so hard on the pages they handed out to each of us! And they are so darling! I can't wait to sit my grandbabies on my lap and go through the quiet book, page by page.

It was fun to be together last weekend to work on the quiet books. You should have heard those sewing machines whirring! We're hoping to have few more 'quiet book page parties' to continue to add to the books. How cute are these four girls in the photo below???? The one in the back, with the dark top on, is due on January 1, the one on the left is due on February 8, and the one on the right is due with twins on February 18. And the second one from the right is due on April 8. They are all as cute as can be, and we are so anxious to meet these five new grandbabies!

The nice thing about this type of quiet book is that after we sewed the pages together, we (meaning Bob) punched grommets through the pages, so that they can all slip onto rings, and the book can be added to at any time.

We couldn't have done it without Bob. Some of the grommets had to go through many layers of fabric and felt, and he muscled through his part of the pages. Such a good guy!

And here are the pages that we each ended up with...

Can't wait for the next round!

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