
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wisteria and "Be Still and Know" wooden sign

Every year, when we trim and try to tame our wisteria, we start to grumble a little about how wild they are, and how they need to be cut back (or else they could quite possibly take over the house).

And every year, around this time, I'm reminded of exactly why I LOVE wisteria. It is gorgeous, fragrant, and the blossoms literally hang off the branches in a profusion of purple lovliness.

Our front yard wisteria is in all its glory right now. The backyard wisteria patiently waits until the front vine has given its all, then it proudly goes into bloom (thus enabling us to enjoy wisteria for a prolonged period of time).

Don't you just want to reach up and scoop a handful and breathe in that delicious fragrance?

I can hardly stand it. When I walk through our entry area, I gaze out the windows and find myself slowing my step to take in the rich blooms. What a lovely, romantic plant!

Although I have been staring out the window quite a bit for the past week or so, I have managed to get a few projects done. I wanted to make a wooden sign for a friend of mine whose husband has been called to be a mission president in Florida. They will be there for three years, so its a huge sacrifice sacrifice in every way. She has been a trooper, and has said to me more than once that she needs to remember to: "Be still and know that I am God".  This scripture is found in the Bible (Psalms 46:10) and the Doctrine and Covenants (101:16). So, I got to thinking that that might be the perfect thing to put on a sign. (To see how I have made previous wooden signs, click here or here). You can't really tell in the photos, but the paint color is a soft, sweet blue.

I like to cover the back so that it is somewhat decorative, and when I saw my old road map Alamanac sitting on the counter, I knew that was just the thing! I pulled out the map of Florida, cut it up in a few pieces, and pieced it together in a patchwork style on the back.

My husband and I will write a short note to them on the back, sign and date it, and it'll be done! I'm thinking I may make another batch of these for some gifts. If you're one of my five sisters, forget that you ever saw this post.


  1. Oh, I love it!! And I love that scripture - what a sweet reminder to put our faith in our Heavenly Father.

  2. That wisteria is GORGEOUS! One of my favorites!

  3. I love the wisteria. What a beautiful blossom. You are amazing gardener s . I have tried growing wisteria and it is not a easy vine to grow. Love it. om
