
Friday, May 8, 2015

Last of the Baby Quilts

I've finished with this round of baby quilts. We had five grandbabies born in 2-1/2 months time, so I had a few to get done in a fairly short amount of time.

I posted earlier, about how I'm doing the strip quilt method for all of them so that they are similar to each other, but different fabrics. (To read that tutorial, click here) This is also a pretty quick quilt to work up, so it's do-able, even when there are five to make!

This is the one for Margo...

I add a quilt tag on the back of all of them with their name, the year, and that it's from Grandma and Grandpa (I do the sewing, he pays for the materials. :) )

And this one is for our youngest (just 6 weeks-ish old), Pi.

And just for good measure, I made one for our cabin. Actually, I had a jelly roll (a roll of fabric strips) sitting around and thought I might as well sew it up for a throw, and it reminds me a bit of the cabin.

And there you have it. Done for now. :)

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